The Slug

Pablo's Delusion
1 min readOct 3, 2022


The human mind is evolving into a slug.

A slug is a person that loses touch with reality, with it’s own soul. A person that stops hunting for meaning, and lives in a flight or fight mode; a combination of acute awareness of danger, and a tired unaware void to contrast the previous. An unbalanced cycle.

Slugs become addicted, consumers to the internet, to sugar and fat, to alcohol, weed, and/or other drugs. All addictions have in common the endless cycle, the enslavement of your choice, the evasion of having to stant your actual self.

Slugs stop seeing the profound nature of love, as they seek a selfish masturbation through digital third party sex, reducing our most transcendent experience, to a pleasure of meat in friction.

A slug will naturally avoid truth, as that would imply itself being a fragile and slimy creature. They prefer the dark, an environment of moist, damp air, hiding under rocks, logs, waiting for a rainy day that identifies their soul.

