Andrew Tate’s Crimes and Imprisonment.
The two brothers were arrested on the last holiday week of December.
There were 4 alleged victims, 2 surprisingly said they were friends and had no problem with Tate, the other 2, that haven’t spoken up for Andrew, are an american and a moldovan woman.
This is the evidence they put forward: words.
This is the evidence Andrew has: 8 hours of footage and whatsapp conversations proving these woman were asking for money, wanted to be famous, wanted more time with andrew etc. There’s 24h CCTV of every single day at the Tate house. They are shown leaving with ubers and coming back whenever they want. Andrew Tate has problems with woman LEAVING his house. It’s a mansion with famous succesfull millionares that are changing the world, forming a huge social network. These two chicks got lucky to spend time in this environment. The american lady has a history of accusing 4 men, 1 is in prison for 24 years, the second man killed himself, the other two are living a stressed life, and are constantly receiving: a silence from loved ones: that now perceive them dead for their crimes.
Why are they not analyzing the testimonial history of the accusers?
Or the future story of the accusers, after the alleged "outragoeus crimes"?
They went and had a holiday together in the south of France, rented Bentley’s and had parties all summer, posting parties, selfie’s with funny faces and having sexy poses. Is that what a psychologically devastated person would do? Where did all the money come from all of a sudden after his inprisonment?
The mother of the american girl said she was embarassing the family, and had took it too far THIS time. Terrible psychopaths are pictured as men, but they can be women too, go searching some crime show and see for yourself. The narrative of feminism has culminated with logic, at the point in which we blindly believed an accuser with no evidence, plainly for the reason that: she was a woman, and crimes against women are terrible. You can’t afterwards say that women don’t lie. There are psychopaths that are willing to destroy your reputation and change the context of your life for the worst.
Why can the internet not be as the mother’s oppinion? The reason is technology control. Clips of 10 second tik toks, out of 3000 hours of conversation, full of sarcasm, witty impersonating, exagerating, and overall inspiring message of get your shit together.
These 10 second clips of "women are property", or "beating a bitch with a machete" are taken out of the metaphoric context of the story he’s outlaying, obviously sounding horrendous. In 3000 hours of entertaining with words, you’d say some fucked up shit too. Ofended or not, words don’t count as crimes.
Being falsely imprisoned is a crime that ofends me.
Freedom of speach. Words should not be crimes, actions are. Who you disagree with has nothing to do with one’s right to leave a 8 m² cell.